A Festival and a Prophecy


Sun setting, whisky tasting about to commence, at the Cowichan Valley Whiskey Festival.

We recently had the pleasure of attending a whiskey festival on beautiful Vancouver Island. A number of brands present we were already familiar with, though we were introduced to a new cast of characters as well including an interesting Indian whiskey, a chocolate whiskey and very tasty bourbon.


We’ll gladly sip in a setting like this, any time.

However, true to nature, we were most drawn to the single-malts. One in particular stood out, and we found ourselves making our way back to that table for a second (ok, maybe it was a third…or fourth) taste—fortunately, the lovely gentleman pouring at the table indulged us. Although we’ve enjoyed Jura Superstition in the past, this was the first time that Prophecy had graced our palates and it packed the peaty punch we’d been searching for all night!

juraprophecyThe nose is dominated by peat, with a good amount of smoke and a slight sweetness. The peat and sweet balance and complement each other beautifully on the palate, while a hint of spice and brine emerge, further highlighting the smoke. The balance of the dram carries through to the mouthfeel, with an oiliness that’s isn’t too thick or syrupy, but certainly not thin or watery.

As the story goes, “In the early 1700’s the Campbells of Jura evicted a wise old seeress. Bristling with resentment, she prophesied that the last Campbell to leave the island would be one-eyed with his belongings carried in a cart drawn by a lone white horse. In 1938 it came true when Charles Campbell, blind in one eye from the Great War, led his white horse to the old pier for the last time. Just like Jura, Prophecy is a dram that’s steeped in stories, and every drop has a different tale to tell.”

Prophecy is aged in Limousine oak casks, matured without chill filtration, and has easily become our favorite Jura.

Homemade Whiskey Ginger


Confession time….

Sometimes we indulge in beverages other than scotch, neat. We know—crazy, right? But true! Now that’s off our chests, we also have to admit to being sticklers when it comes to quality ingredients. Sure, we could simply top off a couple ounces of rye with ginger ale and call it a day, but where is the true enjoyment in that?

So, we decided to take to the kitchen and cook down a quick batch of ginger simple syrup for today’s cocktail. We’re both ginger fans and find this to be a perfect cocktail all year ‘round—whether you’re looking for a thirst-quencher fit for a sunny patio in the summertime, or for something spicy to warm your tummy when the temperature drops.

This ginger syrup truly is simple, but makes for a distinctly delicious cocktail that feels somewhat more indulgent than cracking open a bottle of Canada Dry.




